Board Game, Recap

Jan and Feb’s Whimsical Adventures – 2023

Am I late with this post? Absolutely. I was going to skip it completely but I like writing down what I’ve done. It’s helps me gauge how lazy I have been or haven’t been. It’s also fun to read later on and see what I was up to at the time.

I mainly played a bunch of games online, it was amazing. Mainly played on BoardGameArena. I took part in a Gaming Rules! Tournament for Carnegie. I didn’t win but I had enough points to move on to the 2nd round.  I played a couple solo games of La Granja and A Feast for Odin. The first time I’ve actually played either game. I then set up a multiplayer game of La Granja. I didn’t win but learned a lot and it was fun to see how gameplay changes when you play against other people. I also played some games of The Castles of Burgundy. A classic, I really like playing it. I also learned and played a solo game of Ultimate Railroads. Unfortunately, the BGA adaptation doesn’t have the AI player but it was still good to see how the actions fit together and seeing how your strategy can change the game. I also learned and played Madeira and Clans of Caledonia. All in all, I played 8 different games for a total of 29 plays for January and February and had a blast!

For my channel, I uploaded one Unboxing video for The Phantom: The Card Game. I’m starting to get through some of my oldest received games. It’s embarrassing to see how long I’ve had some of these games and haven’t played them yet! But baby steps, first unboxing, then playing. I also spent time editing and filming some videos.

A co-worker told me about a tv show on Netflix called ‘History of Swear Words’ hosted by Nicholas Cage.  How can you not love Nicholas Cage? He doesn’t take himself too seriously and he does what the heck he wants.  Love it.

Thanks for reading!