
Sneak Peek into What’s Upcoming – October 2023

October is here and it’s the best month of the year! Vacation was amazing and I’m ready to get back into work for my channel. If I had written this a couple of days ago, I could have put down that I was going to publish my next video game playthrough. Alas, I did not, but I will mention that Stray, part 2 is now published so you should go watch it. Don’t worry, I’ll wait for you to get back.

I am working on a couple of videos currently. I’m editing a video game playthrough for a Pathfinder game and an unboxing plus video of a Kickstarter game called Campus Wahala. I haven’t forgotten about UNE and want to get that recorded. And I’m looking at the next couple of RPG books that I want to show on the channel.

I wasn’t able to work on the dinosaur script at all before I left for vacation but it is still on the list as is Numbsters by Button Shy Games. I still want to get an actual board game playthrough filmed but I only have so much time left outside of work!

I hope you are enjoying the ride so far and thanks for reading.

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash


Sneak Peek into What’s Upcoming – July 2023

My momentum in May was completely thrown out the window after my blog post about what was upcoming. We ended up in a minor car accident a couple days after posting and while everyone involved was fine, it definitely dampened my motivation. I took May and June off and am finally starting to emerge from my indifference. A shout out to Me, Myself, and Die on YouTube for getting me excited to play games again. The channel is actually geared towards solo RPG play but getting involved with solo RPG last month has definitely helped me out of a funk.

Having resolved some laptop and program issues, I am feeling positive for the upcoming month. I need to record some new audio for Under Falling Skies and want to finalize that so I can really get down to the nitty gritty with editing the video together.

On the backlog is still an unboxing and possibly playthrough of Numbsters, a playthrough of a print-and-play game, and newly added is a solo RPG playthrough. I’m very excited with RPG the past few months and want to add some videos on it to my channel.

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash


Sneak Peek into What’s Upcoming – May 2023

Another month and another Upcoming blog post. This time I’m not sure what will be published this month. I will begin editing a new Unboxing video but I haven’t decided which one yet. I am also continuing work on Under Falling Skies, I have not worked on it since last month. I updated my laptop yesterday which will help make it easier to get some editing done.

Numbsters is still on deck for filming and possibly recording a playthrough of it. I will be filming at least one, possibly two, more video game playthroughs. I have a new setup in the room for it which makes it more comfortable for playing and easier to get it recorded.  I need to focus on some Unboxing videos though.

I’ve also been kicking around an idea to do a playthrough of a print-and-play game. I have a few to choose from and need to make some time to learn them and figure out a setup for recording. Now that spring finally arrived (fingers crossed), I’m hopeful the extra sunlight will kick me out of my hibernation mode.

Thanks for reading!

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash


Sneak Peek into What’s Upcoming – April 2023

Welcome to April! We’ve been teased with some warmer, sunny weather the past week and I am ready for summer!  Vacation was great. I was able to relax and re-set, it was just what I needed.

I recorded a video game playthrough of Gloomhaven digital and will be editing it soon to get it ready for publishing. Issues with my laptop forced me to change up what game I played but it worked out well in the end.

I bought a cute-looking game, Numbsters, from Button Shy and might be bumping that one up the list. I still need to film the unboxing but am planning an Unboxing Plus video for that. I’ve kicked around changing up my recording process but haven’t settled on how I want to film moving forward. Numbsters is a pretty straightforward and quick game so I might even pencil that in for a playthrough at some point.

As for items currently in the pipeline, I’m still working on the Under Falling Skies video. I also want to film another video game playthrough (or two) this month. Still trying to play catch up from my vacation last year but I feel like I’m making progress finally!

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash