
Sneak Peek into What’s Upcoming – April 2023

Welcome to April! We’ve been teased with some warmer, sunny weather the past week and I am ready for summer!  Vacation was great. I was able to relax and re-set, it was just what I needed.

I recorded a video game playthrough of Gloomhaven digital and will be editing it soon to get it ready for publishing. Issues with my laptop forced me to change up what game I played but it worked out well in the end.

I bought a cute-looking game, Numbsters, from Button Shy and might be bumping that one up the list. I still need to film the unboxing but am planning an Unboxing Plus video for that. I’ve kicked around changing up my recording process but haven’t settled on how I want to film moving forward. Numbsters is a pretty straightforward and quick game so I might even pencil that in for a playthrough at some point.

As for items currently in the pipeline, I’m still working on the Under Falling Skies video. I also want to film another video game playthrough (or two) this month. Still trying to play catch up from my vacation last year but I feel like I’m making progress finally!

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash