
Sneak Peek into What’s Upcoming – November 2023

I can tell you that what’s upcoming is: December! Is this very late? Yes, but I am finally making some progress on videos. The past month or so hasn’t seen much as the two videos that I have been actively editing both had audio issues (different issues) which pretty much halted all forward momentum. I also had another one on the back burner with audio issues.

After some discussion with my design guy (aka my husband), he showed me how I could fix my audio issues and I decided it was easier to simply scrap two of the videos due to the audio issues. They were both video game playthroughs so it is easy enough to scrap them and re-film them. I re-filmed one of them yesterday and so far so good.

Unfortunately, Campus Wahala had some scratching in my microphone audio which my husband has worked to remove most of the offenders. While it’s frustrating to work through, I will not scrap this video. I will be finishing this one up and publishing it at some point as it is much harder to film an unboxing video on a board game that’s already been unboxed.

In the meantime, I decided it was high time to record an RPG book ‘unboxing’. I recorded my first one yesterday and started editing it last night! The video will be a little more involved than my regular board game unboxings as I also recorded video of myself to make it slightly more interesting than just staring at my hands. I’m about halfway through the first editing pass and it’s looking, and more importantly, sounding great! I also need to come up with a name for the new series.

With Thanksgiving in just a couple of days, I’m hoping it won’t derail my current momentum and I’m hoping to have both the RPG book video and the video game playthrough edited and published before the end of November.

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash