Board Game, Recap

May and Jun’s Whimsical Adventures – 2023

May was an odd month for me. As I mentioned in my July Upcoming blog, we got into a car accident in May and it was definitely a curveball. I didn’t spend much time working on the channel for a couple of months.

While I didn’t do much for the channel, I did get a lot of RPG videos watched. I watched episodes from a few different seasons of Dimension 20 – The Ravening War, A Crown of Candy, and Fantasy High. I really fell down the rabbit hole with Me, Myself and Die on YouTube. He makes great solo adventure videos and he inspired me to start my own solo adventure. I’m using the DND 5e rules set and the Mythic Games Master Emulator book to run it. I was expecting lots of adventure and fighting, but it has turned into a mystery adventure. It was completely unexpected, but I am loving it! I’ve been kicking around the idea to do some blog posts of my adventure and it’s been added to my list of things I want to do for the channel.

For games, I went hogwild in June! It was a fantastic couple of months for playing. I even got my husband to play a few games of Sushi Go with me! I had some table space available and was able to play the physical versions of La Granja, Under Falling Skies, Nemo’s War, and a new-to-me game, Sleep Tight. I recorded an unboxing video for Sleep Tight a while ago and need to get it edited and uploaded. On BGA I played 10 solo games of Sagani. What a great game. I also learned how to play Teotihuacan, Space Station Phoenix, and Loco Momo. Teotihuacan is such a puzzly game. I’ve played a few games against a much better player and I have learned so much from him by watching the actions he takes. The Castles of Burgundy, Carnegie, Earth, and Ark Nova rounded out the games I played. In all, I played 32 games in June which is the most I’ve played in one month this year.

As you can see, I kept myself busy outside of my channel work but it was channel adjacent. There are so many games out there that I have plenty to keep me busy for years to come.

Thanks for reading!


July’s Whimsical Adventures – 2022

Welcome to almost the end of August! I’m a little late with this blog post. July was a busy month for me personally so I didn’t get a lot done with my channel.

I did get 2 videos uploaded. I was able to get my Tainted Grail: Conquest video game playthrough edited and uploaded at the beginning of July. It was a fun playthrough and I was surprised by how well I did in the game. It was my first playthrough and I thought it went pretty well. It was a little tricky getting my audio set up correctly as my laptop has a fairly well-hidden gaming microphone volume control which is different from the regular microphone volume control. Once I got that straightened out, it was pretty easy to get it recorded. I look forward to getting some more done.

I also finished editing and uploaded an unboxing video for Tiny Ninjas by 2niverse Games. This is a cute game pitting ninjas against each other. It also comes with a solo mode which I have tested out a couple of times. I won my first game and lost my second. As promised, the game does play in about 10-15 mins, and while a light game, it does have some nice thinky parts to it. You have to decide whether you want to use your cards for attacking or defending. Do you let the 2 hits land so that you can use the card for a powerful attack instead? Each card matters and if you’re not careful, your opponent can sneak a strong attack in, taking you out which is how I lost my game.

To round out the channel items, I continued working on the script for The Phantom: The Card Game unboxing, and I also recorded unboxing videos for 4 board games.

For Android apps, I got in some plays of SortPuz which is a sorting game. You have different bottles filled with multiple-colored liquids and you need to sort them so that each color is in its own bottle. I also found a couple of new apps – My Mini Mart and Hungry Hearts. Hungry Hearts is set in Japan and you play a grandma who runs a café. It is very story heavy and I wished it was easier to click through the conversations. You do get to a point though where the stories start to run out and you are basically just feeding people. I had fun unlocking the various recipes and it’s a pretty calming game to play. My Mini Mart is definitely a time suck. The absolute worst part about the app is the ads. Just about every 30 seconds an ad pops up and takes multiple clicks to get through it. On a positive note, once I sit through enough of the ads I shut the app off and I can get back to my regular life. Even with the annoying ads, it’s quite a fun game. You are basically running a grocery store and are cashier, stocker, chef, and farmer until you can hire help. There are currently 8 different marts and each one has a different vibe to it. In the first one, you are raising tomatoes, collecting chicken eggs, gathering milk, making bread, etc. In one of the later marts, you are harvesting rice plants, making bowls of rice, catching fish, making sushi, and making sake. Spoiler alert, even with the constant ads (yes, I’m currently too cheap to pay for ad-free), I am still playing it.

On the personal front, we went to a wedding and a family reunion. Even though they were still within the state, they were our first trips since the pandemic started. It was nice to get away and stretch our legs for a bit.

Besides the usual tv watching and YouTube viewing, I also watched the Silverstone F1 race. It was an interesting race to watch and I was not expecting Perez or Hamilton to finish as high as they did. Ferrari left me scratching my head with their strategy. I got some reading in and finished a couple of books and got further along with a couple more. I also had a little time to play some computer games for fun – Call of Duty Modern Warfare, Star Wars Battlefront, and Gloomhaven Digital. I even played a couple of quick games of PUBG for the first time, but I think it’s better in a team as I spent most of the time randomly running around and not seeing anyone until the last couple of mins of the game.

Now that I have it written out, I actually got a lot done in July! I might need to pick it up a little this last week and a half in August so I have more to write about next time.

Thanks for reading!